Departmental Awards

Wellness Department Award Logo
The MUS Wellness Departmental Awards Program recognizes departments within the Montana
University System that actively promote a healthy work environment for employees.
To earn a Departmental Wellness Award, a department must apply for the recognition
and meet a certain number of criteria within three separate categories: Physical Activity,
Nutrition, and Culture. The criteria are presented as a menu of choices, to allow
departments flexibility in how they choose to promote wellness. Departments must also
provide a brief written statement describing why the department deserves recognition,
and submit a photograph of a department wellness initiative or event.
Award levels consist of Copper, Silver, and Gold, and are awarded on a fiscal year basis. Departments may apply any time, before June 1st for an award in the current fiscal year. Award recipients will receive a plaque for the department, recognition on the MUS Wellness website and Montana Moves and Meals Blog, and a special swag item for individuals in the department.
- Application
- Award Strategies & Suggestions
- Healthy Meeting Criteria
- Photo Release
Complete the application and submit along with any additional
documentation to:
Subject line: Departmental Awards Program
Blog: Montanamovesandmeals |