Lifestyle Management Program

ENROLL ONLINE: (Take Control Application)
Questions: call Take Control at 800-746-2970 or email


Are you aware that Montana University System Choices Medical Plan members have the opportunity to enroll in a Lifestyle Management Program, Take Control, at no additional cost?

Managing a chronic health condition can be overwhelming and, at times, confusing. The professionals at Take Control can assist in navigating your condition and creating a healthy lifestyle that puts you in control. Take Control offers comprehensive and confidential education and support. Its unique telephonic delivery method allows the Plan member to participate from work or home and receive the individual attention specific to the Plan member’s needs. The 12-month program includes one-on-one monthly phone sessions with licensed Dietitians, Exercise and Sports Science Trainers, and certified Diabetes Educators.

The Take Control Lifestyle Management Program offers the following programs:

High Blood Pressure:

Education and counseling to help Plan members with hypertension (blood pressure >140/90) acquire the knowledge and skills to optimize their blood pressure and overall health.

High Cholesterol:

Assists Plan members with hyperlipidemia (total cholesterol >240, HDL cholesterol <40, LDL cholesterol >160) acquire the knowledge and skills to optimize their blood lipids and overall health.

Weight Loss:

The goal of this program is to provide education and counseling to help Plan members with obesity (BMI >25) acquire the knowledge and skills to achieve their desired weight.


This program will provide education and counseling to help Plan members with diabetes (A1c 6.5% and above) and pre-diabetes (A1c 5.7-6.4%) to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors to live life to the fullest.

WellBaby Program Members:

If you are enrolled in the WellBaby Program you have the option of joining Take Control.
See WellBaby Program for more information.

Joining Take Control today will provide you with the knowledge, skills and ability to live life to the fullest. Ask Take Control for a complete list of program benefits.

PO Box 9132
Missoula, Montana

Monday-Friday 8am-6pm