Departmental Awards: Healthy Meeting Strategies

Wellness Department Award Logo
Nutrition: Food
Offer fruits and/or vegetables every time food is served.
Offer reasonable portion sizes.Portion Control Guide (Mayo Clinic) Visual Guide to Portion Size.
In buffet lines, provide appropriately-sized serving utensils and plates (not over-sized).
When serving grains, use whole grains whenever possible (100% whole grain or whole grain as the first ingredient).
Serve condiments and dressings on the side.
Offer lower-sodium options when possible.
Make the majority of the meat options poultry, fish, shellfish, or lean (unprocessed) meat.
Provide a vegetarian option.
For special occasions and dinner, cut desserts in half or serve small portions. For lunches, breaks, or regular meetings serve fruit as dessert.
Do not place candy or candy bowls in the meeting space.
Whenever possible, offer foods prepared in a healthier way (grilled, baked, poached, roasted, braised, or broiled). Avoid fried foods.
If there is the capacity to do nutrient analyses or if the caterer can provide nutrient information, meals should meet the following nutrition standards:
Less than:-
700 calories
10% of calories from saturated fat
No artificial trans fat
35% of calories from sugar
770mg of sodium
Snacks provided at meetings should meet healthy vending machine guidelines (see Nutrition Criteria on Department Recognition Program application). Consider offering beverages only at mid-morning and mid- afternoon meetings.
Nutrition: Beverages
- Make water the default beverage.
- Serve only water, 100% juice, 100% juice diluted with water, low-fat or non-fat milk, soymilk, or beverages with 40 calories per container or less.
- Offer low-fat or non-fat milk with coffee and tea service in addition to or in place
of half and half.
Blog: Montanamovesandmeals |
Healthy Meetings CriteriaMontana University System Wellness Program