Wellness Champions!

Wellness Champions "All hands in".
MUS Wellness Champions Needed!
Can you relate to any of the following statements?
“I care about the health & happiness of my coworkers.”
“I have an idea for a wellness activity that we should offer on our campus.”
“I loved participating in the Take Control program, and I wish more of my colleagues knew about it!”
If one or more of the above statements sounds like something you would say, we need you! We are currently recruiting Wellness Champions on all of our MUS campuses for the 2024/2025 year.
Wellness Champions are enthusiastic supporters of health & well-being in the workplace, regardless of where they are personally on the path towards optimal well-being. In other words, to be a Wellness Champion for MUS, you don’t need to be the perfect picture of health; you just need to be someone who cares about your colleagues and wants them to lead the highest quality of life possible!
Formal “duties” of a Wellness Champion include:
Keeping up to date with current Wellness program offerings.
Reminding your coworkers of the opportunities offered through Wellness, and promoting participation. As much as your MUS Wellness Team tries to get the message out about the programs we have available, inevitably, emails are overlooked, blog posts go unread, posters go unseen. Word of mouth remains one of our most powerful tools of communication! We cannot tell you how many times someone asks about the Take Control lifestyle management program because a coworker mentioned something about it.
Assisting in the implementation and coordination of wellness initiatives as able. Examples may include reserving a space for a Wellness-related activity, volunteering at an information table, or suggesting topics of interest. Wellness initiatives vary from campus to campus, and again, your level of involvement will depend on what your schedule allows. Some campuses have a group of Wellness Champions who meet on a regular basis and plan activities.
Representing coworkers by collecting ideas and feedback about the program. Although we consider all feedback that we receive from MUS plan members, we specifically solicit opinions from our Wellness Champions on occasion.
Being respectful of others’ privacy and compliant with confidentiality standards.
Before you dismiss the idea of becoming a Wellness Champion because you feel swamped already with job responsibilities, keep in mind that serving effectively as a WellChamp can mean as little as reminding your coworkers that a WellCheck is coming up, and encouraging a new employee in your office to participate in the MUS Wellness Incentive Program. Or, it can mean leading a campus walking group, or organizing a monthly social event, or writing a brief grant proposal to gain funding for a campus-specific program. The beauty of serving as a Wellness Champion is that you can define what being a Wellness Champion looks like to you, and we are here to support your efforts!
As a Wellness Champion, you will receive:
Bi-monthly email newsletters from MUS Wellness
Special swag item for MUS WellChamps only!
Recognition as a Wellness Champion
Opportunity to offer feedback about the Wellness Program
A person’s work environment can have a tremendous impact on overall health & well-being.
Becoming a MUS Wellness Champion gives you the opportunity to make a real difference
in your workplace, and have a positive impact on your coworkers. Sign up to be a 2019/2020
MUS WellChamp today!
How to Sign Up: